Thursday, May 15, 2014

The Magickal Staff of The Magick Cats

Hello again, Witchlings!

Since I'm making you wait until June, I figured I would pacify you all with a simple post. Today, I'd like to introduce you to the staff of The Magick Cats Jewelry, the company that this blog stems off of.

First and Foremost, there is me! My name is Mopsy and I'm a cat. Plain and simple. My element is Air and my Mother Goddess and protectress is Bastet, the Egyptian Cat Goddess. I like to lay around and sleep all day and then come in and wake my human up at 5 a.m. every single morning and purr as loud as I possibly can until she finally decides to wake up and pet me.

Then there is Tina. She is my human and my familiar and the owner/artist of The Magick Cats. She is an Eclectic Witch with an affinity for rocks and plants. Her elements are Earth and Air and she worships Cernunnos, the Celtic Horned God, and  Ceridwen, the Welsh patron Goddess of witches and wizards. (She also prays to Bast, but only because I make her.) Her original spirit guide has always been a Cat named Abby, but recently she has been joined by a Wolf/Dog mutt named Mars, an Owl named Serenity and a Red Fox named Sasha. She enjoys playing video games and making Magick.

And here is Willow. She is one of Tina's human companions. She does advertising and informative posts on our Facebook page and also helps me with the blog. She is also an Eclectic Witch with an affinity for Earth and snakes. Her deities of choice are the Morrigan, the Celtic Triple Goddess of battle, strife and fertility, and Freyr, the Norse God of peace, the sun and rain, and the patron of bountiful harvests. Her spirit guide is a wolf.

And last, but definitely not least, we have Nina. Another human companion of Tina's, she is our lovely model of jewelry. Nina is not a witch, much less pagan, but she's one of the sweetest people in the world! (AND she LOVES cats!!) She's incredibly smart and has an affinity for Fire. Nina graduated high school two weeks after she received her Associates Degree in college.

That's all for now, Witchlings! I hope you enjoyed our little intros! Until next time, Blessed Be!


Monday, May 12, 2014

Welcome, Strangers...

Merry Meet! Welcome to the official blog of The Magick Cats! I hope you enjoy your stay! My name is Mopsy and I'm here to tell you a little of what this blog is about: Magick!!

Now, it's no easy task explaining what Magick is exactly. There is no cut and dry way of doing so because everyone has a different way of practicing it and making said practice their own. I've heard some say that it's an unfortunate thing, but, personally, that's one of my favorite things about it! Variety is the spice of life and there are so many different things you can learn! Wouldn't it be dull if we were all doing the same exact thing?

I'll have one blog post up a week, each one talking about a particular subject including, but not limited to Stones and Minerals, Herbs and Plants, Spirit Guides and Deities and Famous Witches. I'm busy getting everything set up right now, so the posts won't start coming until June 1st. I know it's a long time, but trust me, it's gonna be worth you wait!
Until then, Blessed Be, Witches!

The Magick Cat

June Blog Posts
June 1, 2014 - Amber
June 8, 2014 - Cinnamon
June 15, 2014 - Domestic Cats
June 22, 2014 - Midsummer
June 29, 2014 - Arianrhod