Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Dance of the Fire-Folk

My human wrote this three years ago. We hope you enjoy it. Blessed Be.


I had a dream the other night
The Fire-folk had come down
They danced around the faerie-rings
Their trumpets they did sound

They had a party late that night
The woodland faeries too
They laughed and sat on toadstool tops
And drank the morning dew

I sat and watched them all that night
Til it was nearly dawn
I sat there in the cold, wet grass
And watched them dance upon the lawn

I wondered as I sat and watched
If there was something I could say
But before my mouth could speak one word
They up and ran away

The Fire-folk with blazing wings
They flew up to the stars
Before the sunlight's golden rays
Crept in among the flow'rs

I sat and looked around me
I realized I was alone
No fairies danced beside me
For they had all gone home

Copyright Cristina Simmons 2011

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